

Installation requirements are automatically handled during the setup. In order to run the tutorials you may need to install one of the supported finite element backends, namely dolfin, dolfinx and firedrake.

Installation and usage

Simply clone the FEMlium public repository:

git clone

and install the package by typing

cd FEMlium
python3 -m pip install '.[tutorials]'

Compatibility with upstream releases

The main branch of FEMlium targets the main branch of dolfin, dolfinx and firedrake, which may contain API changes compared to the latest release of the finite element backend. A new FEMlium version is not necessarily tagged alongside dolfin, dolfinx or firedrake releases. Users willing to work with a fixed release of the finite element backend are encouraged to look for a FEMlium commit close to the upstream release date, and do a

git checkout {commit SHA}

before installing FEMlium.